Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Paul Wright Analysis | Picture 5

1. When I first looked at this painting, I noticed that this painting isn't as busy as some of Paul Wright's other artworks. Although there are a lot different colours and brush strokes, it is generally a lot neater. The background is pretty much one colour and the face blends in very well. The thing that first caught my attention is the use of colour in the face and how it is contrasted with the lightly coloured background. The paint looks like it has been applied very thickly, most probably with a palette knife. It is very interesting.

2. The main colours in this painting by Paul Wright are green, blue and red. There is a reoccurring similarity in all of Paul's paintings with the colours which he uses. I have noticed that one of the main colours is always red and often blue of some form. The features in this painting are much clearer than others and are all more defined. It looks as if a lot of black has also been used in this painting to show different lines in the face too.
'People want something more than just music. They don't want this bubble-coated pop stuff as much anymore. They want something real and they want to hear the artist's story.'

3. This painting looks as if it is of an elderly man, who looks quite stern. It seems like on the pictures that follows you with its eyes. They are so focused to the front that it gives the impression that it's watching you. I will use this in my own work as I think it looks really effective. I think the message it conveys is really strong and it has been reinforced by the way the photo is forward facing.

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